By: Dr. Matt Butler, DC

Shoulder Injuries

The bones that make up the shoulder are connected by a group of muscles that are responsible for range of motion and stability. Since there are so many components to the shoulder, the risk of injury is high.

Rotator Cuff Injuries

Any damage done to any of the rotator cuff muscles or tendons. Commonly caused by repetitive movements, overhead lifting, or falling. In most cases rotator cuff injuries can heal on their own with therapy.

  • Pain and tenderness when lifting, pulling, reaching overhead and reaching behind
  • Pain when lying/sleeping on sore shoulder
  • Loss of shoulder range of motion
  • Weakness in shoulder
Separated Shoulder

A stretch or tear in one of the tendons or ligaments that form the acromioclavicular
joint (AC joint). This does not usually require surgery, but can be rehabilitated using more conservative treatments such as rest and ice. It is very common for patients to completely recover after only a few weeks.

  • Shoulder pain
  • Weakness in should or arm
  • Bruising or swelling
  • Limited shoulder movement
  • Bump at the top of your shoulder
Frozen Shoulder

Is characterized as pain or stiffness in the shoulder. The signs will gradually begin, and if not treated right away can worsen very quickly. Often times it takes up to two years to completely recover from frozen shoulder. With frozen shoulder there is a significant decrease in the range of motion, so it is necessary that range of motion exercises are prescribed to prevent the condition from worsening.


Frozen shoulder slowly develops through three stages: Painful Stage, Frozen Stage, and Thawing stage.

  • Painful Stage: range of motion starts to become limited and pain occurs with movement of your shoulder
  • Frozen Stage: range of motion and pain decreases
  • Thawing Stage: range of motion increases
What can I do at home?
  • Rest – avoid doing the activities that irritate your shoulder.
  • Ice and Heat – apply ice and/or heat daily to reduce inflammation . Ice or heat for 15-20minutes on, then 15-20 minutes off, and repeat several times a day for the first couple of days.
  • Gentle Exercises – it is important to keep the muscles of the shoulder moving. Try gentle range of motion and strengthening activities.

For a more detailed explanation of exercises, call and book an appointment to speak with one of our experienced Chiroprators at (519) 739-2701. Every program that is designed is tailored to each individual.

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